News from home and other boring stuff.

Saturday, September 16, 2017


Last night I sang Brahms' Requiem with The Stratford Upon Avon Choral Society in Holy Trinity Church. It was a magnificent experience and thoroughly enjoyable. I was hoarse from rehearsal in the afternoon but some how with the aid of some pastilles, I was able to find the "noise" from somewhere. Apart from Bill & Win, who didn't particularlly enjoy it, everyone else had a great evening. Hedi and Birgit enjoyed it a lot as it was sung in German.

After staying up until 1p.m. with Franz and Jackie who came home for wine and supper, we went to be exhausted.

This morning we took a long walk over The Welcombe Hills and blew away the cobwebs. The trees are still very beautiful and haven't yet lost their leaves. The colours are so lovely.

I think the photographs are a few days too late for me to have captured the full impact of the beautuful colours that we have enjoyed. However, I think for 19th November they are remarkable. At home I have taken a few of the garden, which looks more like October as the leaves have remained on the branches for such a long time.

The shots of the sunset are stunning. This was 5th November, before the bonfires and fireworks!

This is Emily and Katey showing off the box we made for The Samaritans for them to deliver to disadvantaged children in Europe. They chose to pack it with goodies for a girl ages between 10-14. It was good fun shopping for all the little bits and pieces. The girls put some of their own money into the project as well, so that was all good and we passed on the box to a friend of mine at Slimming World who is collecting them.

I also thought you might like to see the Halloween party pictures. Caroline was here too and Birgit and her sister Susann with her son Julian, who is 10. It was a great success. The children loved all the games including the ghost version of "pin a tail on the donkey", where the entrants had to pin on a mouth.

Back in Sptember we had a new gas fire as the flu had been condemned by the Gas Company, with whom we have a maintenance contract. The answer was to have a fire with a balanced flu, meaning that a whole had to be made through to the outside wall. We are really pleased with it as it gives a very comfortable heat and a lovely glow. It also reveals the cornish slate on the 20 year old fireplace, which was previously covered by the monstrous black fire that previous sat on it.

Looking Back Over Autum

Sorry about any gaffs in this publication but it has taken ages to do.